Thinking of skipping your tooth-brushing routine after a day full of eating? You might want to reconsider. Dental plaque, an invisible yet formidable enemy, silently forms on your teeth when bacteria in your mouth break down food sugars. These sugars produce acids that can damage tooth enamel and compromise gum health. Therefore, understanding what plaque is, its associated risks and the importance of maintaining diligent oral hygiene is essential to prevent its buildup and safeguard your dental health.

What is Plaque?

Plaque is a constantly forming, colourless film of bacteria and sugars that adheres to your teeth, often starting as a barely noticeable, slick feeling, and it may be difficult to see at first. If you run your tongue along your teeth and feel a slightly rough texture, this indicates plaque buildup, meaning if left unaddressed, the plaque can harden over time and transform into tartar. Unlike plaque, tartar is a rough, yellow or brown deposit that forms above and below the gum line.

Plaque vs. Tartar

While both plaque and tartar impact oral health, they are distinct problems requiring different management strategies. Let’s take a look at a clearer comparison of plaque vs. tartar:

Plaque Tartar
Definition A soft, sticky film of bacteria that forms on the teeth. A hardened plaque that has calcified on the teeth and gum line.
Formation Forms daily as bacteria interact with food particles in the mouth. Develops when plaque is not removed and mineralises over time.
Removal It can be removed with daily brushing and flossing. Requires professional cleaning by a dental professional.
Risks It can lead to cavities and gum disease if not managed. Provides a rough surface that promotes further plaque accumulation, increasing the risk of severe dental issues.

If you think a little plaque is harmless, think again. Once it solidifies into tartar, you can no longer remove this stubborn, calcified substance by yourself. This uneven surface of tartar then creates ideal conditions for plaque to accumulate, leading to a rapid progression of tooth decay and gum disease. Eventually, it forms a vicious cycle leading to more than just additional dental visits — it can significantly increase dental care costs and impact your oral health.

6 Tips on How to Get Rid of Plaque On Your Teeth

Since plaque buildup is the main culprit behind potential oral health problems, it is essential to keep your mouth plaque-free using the right tools and a consistent routine. Research published in the Australian Dental Journal underscores the importance of effective plaque management. It reveals that plaque accumulation on the roots of teeth can lead to demineralisation, potentially exposing the dentinal tubules, which can cause discomfort and sensitivity.

As such, maintaining good plaque control is not only important for your teeth and gums, but it can also help to reduce the risk of experiencing teeth sensitivity issues. By adopting these practices, you can ensure a healthier, more radiant smile with fewer oral health problems:

  1. Brushing is Key: Brushing your teeth twice daily with fluoride toothpaste is your primary defence against plaque. Fluoride strengthens tooth enamel, making it more resistant to decay, while also helping to remove existing plaque buildup.
  2. Brushing Technique Matters: Brushing for two minutes with a gentle, circular motion ensures you clean all surfaces of your teeth, including the gum line and tongue. Cleaning your tongue helps remove bacteria that contribute to plaque buildup.
  3. Flossing Reaches Hidden Areas: If you’re still wondering how to remove plaque on teeth naturally, it’s time to get a floss! Flossing daily tackles plaque in those hard-to-reach spaces between your teeth, where brushing can't reach.
  4. Watch Your Diet to Reduce Plaque Growth: Limiting sugary foods and drinks can help reduce the growth of plaque in teeth.
  5. Choose the Right Products for Sensitive Gums: Consider using toothpaste for sensitive gums or mouthwash for sensitive teeth pain relief if you're experiencing sensitivity issues. These kinds of toothpaste and mouthwashes often contain ingredients that soothe and protect irritated gums.
  6. Get Professional Cleanings for Optimal Health: Regular dental visits are essential for maintaining optimal oral health. During these visits, dentists or hygienists can remove stubborn plaque that hardens into tartar.

Stop Plaque in Its Tracks: Maintain Healthy Teeth with Pearlie White

For a healthy, dazzling smile, banish plaque with a consistent routine of brushing, flossing, and a balanced diet. Regular dental check-ups at the dentist will also ensure professional cleanings and personalised advice. 

Building on your consistent brushing, flossing, and balanced diet, Pearlie White's advanced oral care products can help you remove plaque in your teeth and take your plaque defence to the next level. Free from SLS, parabens, PEG/PPG, titanium dioxide, and harsh abrasives, our gentle yet effective toothpaste and mouthwashes are ready to elevate your dental routine. Explore our range and unlock a brighter, healthier smile today.